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Weight Loss Surgery Plant Based Diet After

The internet is awesome for lots of reasons.

Cat videos. Kitten videos. More kitten videos.

And literally anything you could ever want to know. On the one hand, this is fabulous because it makes learning so easy. On the other hand, developing a keen eye for bullshit clickbait and articles that aren't properly researched or that have hidden agendas is 100% necessary. This is especially true when it comes to food and the best way to keep your beautiful bod happy, healthy and full of zest.

When you do research online about the healthiest way to eat, it's crucial that you dig deep, keep searching, hone your inner skeptic, be objective, look at all angles, follow the research, ask questions, and then be prepared to follow the rabbit hole. Chances are, that rabbit hole will shift your mindset and change your life for the better in a way that you never expected.

Such is the case for badass Dirty Girl, Leah Dardis who graciously shared her inspiring story with me for all of our readers. Leah had weight loss surgery a while back. In the weight loss surgery community, following a plant based diet is totally unheard of and greatly advised against.


Most weight loss doctors tell their patients that eating a plant based diet is inadequate for post-operative nutrition and that only a meat-heavy diet can supply the nutrients needed.

It's animal protein city or risk of death from malnutrition. After eating meat for every meal in the months following her surgery, Leah's body gave her signs that something wasn't right. And she wisely listened. She started searching for answers. She started digging. She went down the rabbit hole. And that rabbit hole led her to Clean Food Dirty Girl and our meal plans.

Leah defied the fearful cautions from her doctor and from social media support groups about getting her protein from plants and she is now thriving and healthier than ever, as is her partner.

I hope you enjoy Leah's story about her quest for health as much as I did. It was an honor to talk with her and I admire her honesty, her steadfastness and her bravery in going against the grain and finding her own answers.

In this video, Leah and I talk about how her bouts of vomiting post surgery went away as soon as she removed meat from her diet. How letting go of counting calories and macronutrients has freed her to focus on living her life rather than "managing a diet". How she is thriving on the very foods that her doctors warned against. And how she still enjoys her comfort foods.

We also chat about how her partner's Rheumatoid Arthritis dramatically improved once he started following the meal plans and eliminated meat from his diet.

This is a must watch video for everyone. And if you know someone who has had weight loss surgery and is struggling, please, please share this with them.

Leah, thank you for sharing your story. You are a true badass and you have my total respect.

If you want a a solid read from a weight loss surgeon who used to recommend a meat heavy diet and now recommends a Whole Food Plant Based diet, Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis is a must read!

Do you have a weight loss surgery story to share? Hit me up in the comments below.

To find out more about our weekly Plant Fueled Meal Plans (the same ones Leah uses), bounce over here.

Here's a recipe for a plant based ice cream smoothie that's perfect for the next time you crave Ice Cream.

Plant Based Ice Cream Smoothie

Prevent your screen from going dark

Servings 2 16-ounce smoothies

  • 8 ounces water
  • 8 ounces unsweetened non-dairy milk
  • 2 packed cups fresh spinach (70g)
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds
  • 4 small or 2 big brown spotty peeled and frozen bananas (190g)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (80g)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Place all ingredients into your blender and blend until super creamy and smooth and all of the frozen banana is blended.

  • If your smoothie is too thin, add a bit more banana.

Make sure your bananas are super ripe and frozen.

Wishing you a lovely week. May it be filled with creating your own life changing rabbit hole.


Weight Loss Surgery Plant Based Diet After
