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Good Diet Plan for Weight Gain

Foods To add To a Weight Gain Diet Chart Infographic

The health effects of being overweight are widely known, but being underweight comes with health risks too!

Having poor nutrition and being underweight can cause growth and development issues in children and teenagers, can lead to anaemia, osteoporosis, and other nutrient deficiencies, decreased immune function, fertility issues, and can increase the risk of complications from surgeries. As such, following a weight gain diet chart is just one of the ways to a healthier tomorrow!

Foods To add To a Weight Gain Diet Chart

Image: Shutterstock

Nutritionist Dt Hetal Saraiya says, "Weight gain, meaning increasing body weight, includes an overall increase in weight including fat deposits and muscle mass. The Body Mass Index, which considers the height and weight of a person, determines ideal weight. Taking the same into consideration, there are various ways in which you can increase your weight. You can eat a lot of junk food or fatty foods to increase body weight, but such weight gain is not healthy and isn't suitable for the long run."

Read on to know more about gaining weight the right way!

How To Make A Weight Gain Diet Chart?

How To Make A Weight Gain Diet Chart?

Image: Shutterstock

Bingeing on junk foods might seem like the easy way to go about gaining weight, but this can cause your health to spiral down. Simply putting on belly fat by unhealthy bingeing can lead to a host of health issues like obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. You don't want that now, do you? As such, it's important to aim for a balanced amount of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass by eating healthy foods to gain weight and following a good weight gain diet chart for a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Gain Diet Chart

Image: Shutterstock

Start by taking into consideration how active you are and calculate the number of calories you burn each day. To gain weight slowly, you'll need to intake 300-500 calories more than the amount you burn each day. If you're looking to gain weight fast, an intake of 700-1000 calories more than the amount you burn each day will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Dt Saraiya shares a weight gain diet chart that you can follow.

Weight Gain Diet Chart That You Can Follow

Tip: Add a variety of foods to your diet to get maximum nutrients along with the calories you need.

Best Foods To Include In Your Weight Gain Diet Chart

Foods To Include In Your Weight Gain Diet Chart

Image: Shutterstock

These foods will help accelerate your weight gain journey!

  • Whole grains

Whole grain cereals and products like bread, pasta and cereal bars made using whole grains are loaded with healthy complex carbohydrates, fibre, and other important nutrients.

  • Starchy foods

Starchy foods added to your weight gain diet chart help boost the growth of muscles and also speed up weight gain. Add foods like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, legumes, etc. to your meals.

Starchy Foods for Weight Gain

Image: Shutterstock

  • Meat

While eating meat can help you gain weight, remember that leaner cuts are healthier for the heart. If you like fish, indulge in salmon as it's chock-full of healthy fats.

  • Nuts

Calorie-dense nuts added to smoothies or plain yoghurt can turn a simple dish into a high-calorie meal. You can also eat a handful of nuts like almonds and Brazil nuts as a snack or add homemade nut butter to your diet plan.

Nuts for Weight Gain

Image: Shutterstock

  • Fruits

Dried fruits are rich in calories and nutrients. If you like fresh fruits, add avocado to your weight gain diet chart; it's packed with healthy fats and calories!

  • Milk

Offering a mix of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, milk is an excellent choice for those looking to build muscle.

Tip: Choose healthy foods for healthy weight gain! There are plentiful options to pick from instead of turning to junk food.

Milk for Weight Gain

Image: Shutterstock

Weight Gain Chart: FAQs

Q. What are some things to keep in mind when following a weight gain diet chart?

A. Dt Saraiya shares these tips:

  • Eating at least three meals a day can make it easier to increase calorie intake. Snacking between meals can also help increase the number of calories in the diet.
  • Weight training at least three times a week is essential to healthy weight gain. This will aid in gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass.
  • A diet with the right amount of protein will support muscle growth.
  • Get in touch with a certified dietitian who will be able to provide the right meal plans to increase calorie intake. A qualified professional can ensure you're gaining weight safely.
  • Don't give up quickly; safe weight gain requires patience and determination. It is not always possible to see results immediately. Everyone is different, and seeing desired results may take longer for some people than for others.

Healthy Weight Gain

Image: Shutterstock

Q. Are there any side effects of following a weight gain diet chart?

A. Dt Saraiya says, "Consumption of incorrect foods to gain weight, for example, high carb foods like chips, fries and other junk food, is an assured way to create future health and fitness issues like hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

Increase weight in a healthy manner

Image: Shutterstock

Your goal should be to increase weight in a healthy manner, not include a few damaging kilos to your thin body." So, make sure you're eating the right foods to gain weight; consult a nutritionist to help you make better food choices.

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Good Diet Plan for Weight Gain
